Menumbuhkan Kompetensi Literasi Anak melalui “LIB-CORNER PROJECT”


  • santi ruciani Penulis

Kata Kunci:

Project, , Literasi, , Minat


Nowadays, children, especially at PAUD and elementary school levels, are very less interested in literacy because they have been influenced by the many children's games, both online and offline, and one of the children is even addicted to gadgets, which is the cause of the lack of interest in literacy. In accordance with the program launched by the government and implemented simultaneously throughout Indonesia called the National Literacy Movement (GLN). However, in Dukuhwaru Village, specifically at the Az – Zahra Dukuhwaru Kindergarten, the National Literacy Movement has not been implemented optimally because there is no library or reading corner at school. This research aims to utilize the Lib-Corner Project to increase early childhood literacy interest. The method used is observation. Activities carried out include planning, implementation, socialization, monitoring, evaluation, follow-up and expected results. The result of this activity is the realization of the Lib-Corner Project which is designed to be comfortable and child-friendly to attract both parents and children to visit and read books. The realization of the Lib-Corner Project as a library in schools or libraries in residential areas of Dukuhwaru Village residents which is expected to facilitate school and community residents to be enthusiastic about literacy or like reading books. By getting into the habit of reading books from an early age, habits will be created that will enable the growth and development of society's literacy culture.


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Cara Mengutip

Ruciani, S. . (2023). Menumbuhkan Kompetensi Literasi Anak melalui “LIB-CORNER PROJECT”. Pena Edukasia, 1(4), 318-325. Diambil dari


